or (music!!)
You couldn't make this up. Just too nutty. The No Borders movement. The No One Is Illegal movement.
Anyway, the words that came into my mind for the people in this movement are: No Borders, No Brains.
Why not? Why shouldn't we all share everything?
Ok. Canada. Population about 35 million. No borders. The next year the population is 41 million - only 6 million more people. Where will the 6 million live? No borders. Should it be: your home is my home? Sounds like something like that would be needed. Not easy to find homes in any other way for 6 million people in one year.
And what about the medical system? Should all these people get free access? Of course. Why should there be a border around the medial system.
And what about those over 65? Should they get the same amount as long time residents of Canada? Seems only fair. Why have borders around pension plans.
But what about people who have paid into pension plans for decades and are counting on getting a certain amount? After all, that was how they had arranged their lives. Tough luck. No way. Not with an extra 6 million in just one year.
Of course, no borders around the education system.
A bit of a strain on the system. But hey? What's a little adjustment?
That's just the first year. And that's just Canada.
How many million will come the second year? It depends on how long before things break down.
And then, all that stuff about local laws - should those be allowed? Or can newcomers demand to follow their own laws? Can there be any border regarding laws?
One of the first words little kids say: mine! Like, my toy. Yes, other words come earlier, like mama and papa. But anyone who spends time around little kids knows almost all of them care about what is theirs - as in, he took my truck! Mine! Even many animals are like that. My ball - get away from that! My food bowl. Mine! Some dogs will bite if someone tries to touch their food bowl.
What they are saying is: there is a border. Inside this border, things are mine.
And then I come to the No Border Movement. For me it's a No Sanity movement. Anything you build can be taken from you. No borders around anything.
I don't understand why the movement can appeal to anyone.
It makes utterly no sense to me.
If one country has a low birth rate, and citizens like the population level - and another has a high birth rate and is feeling strained, what then?
The No Borders answer is obvious. Just move and swamp the area with fewer citizens. No borders, after all.
I could go on. See no reason to.
Perhaps I will make just one point: the No Borders movement, for me, is just one more sign that we have a brain wrecking indoctrination system, not an education system that would teach students to think.
Anything else? Yes. You couldn't make this up. Put it in a sci fi book and it will sound unbelievable.
May 22, 2016
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No Borders, No Brains.
Politically correct and brain wrecked.
No critical thinking allowed.
You couldn't make this up!
Very politically correct.
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Politically correct and brain wrecked.
No critical thinking allowed.
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