All kittens are equal.
All kittens are not equal.
All opinions about
kittens are equal.
One must not judge
opinions about kittens.
Who are we to judge
if all kittens are equal?
Except Israeli kittens.
Israeli kittens are evil.
And Palestinian kittens
are good.
Israeli kittens are
apartheid kittens.
Anyone who disagrees
is evil.
And you must not
ask questions about
why some opinions
are equal,
and some are not,
when all opinions -
as everyone knows -
are equal. And
no questions about
why one kitten is good,
another kitten is evil.
No thinking allowed.
No facts allowed.
Logical Fallacy in
Politically Correct Thinking
Actually, I'm being very nice to call what I'm thinking of a logical fallacy. It's way worse. It's a radical disconnect between 2 aspects of political correctness.
Aspect One of political correctness, voiced over and over, especially if anyone dares to comment negatively on, say, something like female genital mutilation:
All opinions are equal. All cultures are equal, as are all religions. Morality is relative. Who are we to judge? You have to understand a culture from the inside.
Aspect Two of political correctness: the loud denunciation of Israel as an apartheid state.
We all know of this - but it should not be possible for the politically correct to hold any such opinion.
After all, if all opinions are equal, then the PC should equally - and equally loudly - hold that Israel is not an apartheid state. But they don't. Instead they tend to foam at the mouth at the suggestion that Israel is not evil.
Likewise, they shrug off facts showing that Saudi Arabia is an apartheid state - once again going against their own position, that (whatever the facts may show) all opinions are equal, and morality is relative, and we must not judge.
Instead, they're harshly judgmental of Israel - going against their own supposed stance on "all cultures are equal." And lenient toward Saudi Arabia - which does go with the position that one must not judge.
But they don't offer justifications for why they judge the apartheid policies of one state irrelevant, and the non-apartheidness of another state to be apartheid.
Facts are irrelevant. Logic is irrelevant.
And all opinions are not considered equal whatsoever.
But they claim that all opinions are equal.
As I said, this is all utter nuttiness.
There's more. A friend added:
"Indeed the concepts of 'progress' and moral equivalence are mutually exclusive. If all civilizations and cultures are equal then there cannot be any progress. Is it not strange that these moral relativists constantly talk about 'progress'?"
Well, actually it isn't strange. It's just one more inanity. Though nothing can be better than anything
else if everything is relative, and therefore there is no possibility of progress, one should not expect someone mired in politically correct mind-mud to be able to be aware of this.
And what about us, the non-politically correct?
It takes most of us a long time to figure out just how nutty, how utterly absurd and nonsensical political correctness is - and longer still to figure out how to get through to people who hold: All positions are equal, as long as they're whatever I believe - and stop throwing those facts at me - I've told you already, you extreme right-wing bigoted republican redneck islamophobe, I know what I think, so there too!.
November 29, 2014
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Logical Fallacy in Politically Correct Thinking.
All opinions are equal. You must not judge.
Israel is an apartheid state.
You must judge Israel is evil.
No logic, no thinking, no facts allowed.