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One: a secret key to political correctness,
to not seeing the truth about Islam.
Two: effective strategies for reaching.
Three: the main plotter behind the Migration Pact.
Four: wellness resources.

I'm writing because someone handed me what may be a secret key to why so many people stay politically correct, block seeing what is in plain sight about Islam. Then, I'd like to know: what's your favorite effective strategy in getting people to learn about the reality of Islam? Third, there's something I didn't know until a few days ago: the major person behind the Pact on Global Migration. At the end, I come to excellent wellness resources because it's important to be as healthy as possible, both because it feels good, and because the healthier we are, the more effective we can be.

So, what is the secret key to why most people don't quickly acknowledge how dangerous Islam is? Bill Warner suggests the answer is fear of Islam going back 1400 years. I'm sure that's part of it. Then, I've read about the near total take-over of the education system by pro-Islamics, so that kids grow up brainwashed. I'm sure that's also part of it.

Here's another possibility.

I was talking with one of the millions of people who think Islam is not a problem. I said I'd send him a link, if that was okay with him. He said yes, sure. So I sent him a kids' video on Islam - fun, simple, easy and TRUTHFUL. He watched it.

His answer:
I thought I was a cynical, hard-nosed individual . . . Either you’re a little nuts or I and my friends who are more or less on the same page, we are . . .

Aha! I went. I think he just handed me a secret key. It would hurt his self-image to listen to the truth about Islam - his amour propre (self-love, pride). I wrote back thanking him.

It couldn't be fun seeing that, rather than being in-the-know, you've been taken in, you've been had. Instead of being one of the cool kids, you've been deliberately fooled. Easier to believe the other person is a little nuts than to look into that.

After the end of World War II, when Germans were faced with evidence of the horror of the Holocaust, with evidence of 6 million innocent Jewish people murdered, a response was massive shame, 2 generations of silence about the Holocaust.

We're not trying to shame people with the information about Islamic ideology and history. In fact, my guess is that most of us don't even give a thought, when we mention truths about Islam, that acknowledging these truths could hurt someone's self-image as a smart well-informed Insider, someone on the side of all that's right and good.

And even worse, to admit that we're telling the truth could mean - ugh!! - becoming one of us, one of those horrid evil racist bigoted fanged monsters they've been used to name-calling and generally reviling. How utterly uncool.

So who can blame people for going BUT I know a nice Muslim, BUT they're not all like that, BUT there's worse in the Bible. It's like waving garlic at a vampire. It's supposed to keep away what we're saying.

What do we do with the secret key? I don't know. I know I'm going to start mentioning to people, when I tell unpopular truths, that acknowledging these truths means daring to become uncool, untrendy.

On the other hand, what did being cool do for the 2 young Scandanavian women who recently went camping in a remote area of Morocco? They lost their heads. And what about the American couple who, convinced of the nonexistence of evil, went biking in Afghanistan? They were murdered by the Taliban. Two bits of reality from 2018.

(This post on the secret key is online on its own, at: http://elsasblog.com/181227-secret-key.html)

Next. I'm putting together a list of favorite effective strategies for getting people to listen to the reality about Islam. Please let me know yours. If you like, you can also let me know what absolutely does not work for you.

My own top suggestion: send an email with a fantastic resource. That way, , instead of getting into a long discussion, I say: Would it be okay if I send you a couple of links - especially to a very short video. Just take a look and let me know what you think. Then I ask for their email address. People almost always give it. If I don't hear back from them, I follow up and ask if they've had the chance to watch the video. Most people watch it.

My top effective resource: the kids' video on Islam. It's nice fun simple and short. In just 9 minutes, it gives the 3 essential doctrines, including al Walaa wal Baraa, in language easy enough for an 8-year-old. I always include the friendly opening image.
On LiveFreedom.net:
On Youtube:
kids' video - Islam - Who, What, How
Next is Bill Warner's Why We Are Afraid - A 1400 Year Secret. It's longer, but very easy to watch. And after watching, no one says, Think of the Crusades:
On Political Islam:
On Youtube:

Another great resource: a very easy-to-read bio of Mohammed, Harry Richardson's The Story of Mohammed: Islam Unveiled. You can buy, download, read online:
Also: http://thestoryofmohammed.blogspot.com

For people who end up wanting to to understand more, I send The Quick and Easy Guide to Understanding Islam. Abrogation, taqiyya, hijra, capiphate, and lots more:

As for the many people who BUT away everything (including what I've sent!!), I mention The Big BUT System, and ask if I can send information on it:

Infiltration is a major concern of mine, so I've often sent links to the interview that got me to believe in the reality of infiltration, Communist in this case. Very powerful, as I know not only from my response, but from the responses I've heard back from people. The interview? Yuri Bezmenov on Soviet infiltration: Deception was my Job:

I also send links to Islamic infiltration, such as Stephen Coughlin's Abrogation & the 'Milestones' Process:

Newly released is Sabotage: The Movie.
One hour:
15 min intro:

And now it's your turn: what have you found most effective for reaching people?

I said at the start that I would let you know (if you don't already) the major person behind the Pact on Global Migration, which basically declares that it is a human right to migrate anywhere and be taken care of. If someone had asked me, I might have said Merkel. A friend, Sonya Porter, did some digging. She found that it was, in fact, the Pope. He was working on it, according to her findings, for at least the past two years and arranging the meetings from 2017.

We all already know Francis is no lover of Christians, Christianity or the West. There's an expression: that was the final nail in the coffin. In this case, I don't know if there's any space for more nails.

Here's Sonya's article:

Here are the sources, starting with the oldest, Pope Paul VI's speech to the UN in 1964:

The birth of the UN Pact goes back at least to this 2016 UN conference: https://www.un.org/press/en/2016/ga11820.doc.htm

And then, here is lots on Pope Francis, following in the footsteps of Pope Pius VI:





And then, re Justin Welby:


As always, all the best to all of us who care and dare.

Happy New Year!

May we all have ever increasing reasons to rejoice!


PS. How do we make the year ahead be as good as possible? We do what we can. We connect with each other. Also, one thing is to be as healthy as possible. I've had a lifelong passion for health, for doing all I can to stay healthy. Last year, I wrote to you about Isagenix (update below). Today I'm writing to you about my most recent discovery, Soulera. It's the most powerful adaptogen combination I've found. What's so special? It contains over 200 adaptogens and micronutrients. All wild harvested. If you're interested in the findings, take a look:

What are adaptogens? They fill in micronutrients most of us are missing due to soil depletion. The benefits can be enormous: more energy (my experience), less stress, and much more. Again, to explore:

By the way, unlike Isagenix, which I mentioned last year, Soulera doesn't ask for any changes to eating habits. It just fills in missing micronutrients.

Now, here's the update on Isagenix. How has that worked out? The short answer: very well. The biggest benefit: the effortless melting away of "visceral fat" (belly fat). I never had much, but a bit was there. Within a few months, I noticed: it's gone! And it's stayed gone.

I don't follow the complete system, by the way. I take a shake a day. I found that the complete system, which includes 2 shakes a day, was too constraining for me. But the system is excellent for many people, especially those who want to lose weight. And lots of people have had astounding benefits.

For more information and personal accounts:

There will soon be more about wellness. A couple of years ago, I created a site, The Wellness Emporium, because I always care to to share things I learn. The basic concept: we need full-spectrum wellness, which includes not just good physical nutrition but good mental nutrition - like good thinking habits. Of course we also need the best possible information - which keeps changing. Butter is bad for you, no it's good for you. The same for coffee and chocolate and coconut oil. Anyway, stay tuned for more on The Wellness Emporium.

In the meantime, if you are interested in wellness, please press reply and add WELLNESS to the subject line.

PPS. One last thing. A tip. 2 powerful words. UNTIL NOW. We all hear about so much that is destructive to the well-being of our society. Many people respond with discouragement and even despair. The 2 words, UNTIL NOW, can break the slide which can lead to being overwhelmed by the negative.

How so?

You acknowledge the facts.

Next, you respond with: UNTIL NOW.

For instance, you can say:
This (whatever it is) has been the case UNTIL NOW. The future is not fixed.

You can say:
I have been overwhelmed UNTIL NOW. Now I feel good about each action I take, and about the good news, like about Hungary and Italy.

You can say:
I have been feeling discouraged UNTIL NOW. Now I get together with like-minded friends and find some small actions to take.

You can say:
I have had such a hard time reaching people about Islam UNTIL NOW. Now I learn how to reach people easily. And now I join . . .

By the way, if you are interested in joining with others in taking action (maybe speaking in an effective way with people who believe Islam is fine), please press reply and add YES TO ACTION to the subject line.

And now, once again, all the best to all of us!

May it be a year of amazing breakthroughs for human rights and freedoms!


posted Dec 29, 2018

One: a secret key to political correctness,
to not seeing the truth about Islam.
Two: effective strategies for reaching.
Three: the main plotter re the Pact.
Four: wellness resources.



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