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Mini-Workshop (15 minutes, approx)
on Undoing Isamo-Catatonia
The energy exercise is always available.
Once a week, a GROUP ENERGY TIME.
I've long been interested in this thing called "energy." Energy balancing. Energy blockages. Energy healing. Most of the people paying attention to "energy" focus on the individual.
For me, when I think of the West and Islam, I have the sense of huge energy blockages.
It's all so simple, from one perspective. Islam is against just about everything the West is for.
But we all know that millions upon millions of people in the West won't recognize this. Instead they push away information with comments like, well, I know nice Muslims, or, there's good and bad in all religions.
MY QUESTION: How to undo the blockages? We get out facts. Yes. We appeal to the emotions. Yes.
I have a third suggestion. If it interests you, I suggest we try "energy work"
on the blockages.
Note: this is entirely secular. It doesn't go against any religious tradition, but it's just as accessible to atheists. Why? As all of us have probably heard many times, "everything is energy."
Some people were interested when, more than a year ago, I had an "energy circle" to go with the prayer circles that Heidi Mund was organizing around the border of Germany, to raise awareness of the dangers Islam poses to Germany.
I'm starting Sunday, February 26th, 11 am Eastern time, 8 am Pacific time. (All the rest of you will have to look up what time it is, wherever you are.)
I will do this at least 4 times, and to make it ongoing if there is interest.
It will be around 15 minutes. It will be audio only. Afterwards you will be able to listen at any time.
If you're registered, you're can also send an email with questions.
To register: http://worldtruthsummit.com
By the way, here are 2 other things that might interest you, if you're interested in, or just curious about, "energy."
On Monday (Feb 27), an online series is starting on "tapping" - meaning, tapping on acupressure points to release stuck feelings:
And here's a daily energy routine, to help our energy flow:
And with that, all the best to all of us who care and dare,
If you want to send on this page, here is the link:
posted Feb 26, 2017
Energy Work:
Healing Energy Blockages,
Increasing Energy Flow,
Undoing Islamo-Catatonia
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